
The First Jobs We had an uneventful few nights on the road towards Skyhold. It was relatively pleasant travel with some chatting with my new companions. I learned a few things, like Claudie really likes all books, Ooru can tap into the 'Nooshpere' whatever that is and has some very useful tricks up his sleeves. Magni has a blood brother named Blank and doesn't really know where his abilities with magic come from. Still don't know a lot about Mace except his family is inter-racial. Still, he really is a kind sort of person. Somewhat unexpected for a half-orc barbarian, but it is quite refreshing. The terrain had started to change. There were rocks and cliffs beginning to alter the landscape. We came to a valley between two cliff. Some short travel along this valley and we found a 10 ft wall, with a guarded open gate. We had made our way to Skyhold. The town was laid out very particularly. Residence on the left and right sections and the merchant quarter down the center....