The First Jobs
We had an uneventful few nights on the road towards Skyhold. It was relatively pleasant travel with some chatting with my new companions. I learned a few things, like Claudie really likes all books, Ooru can tap into the 'Nooshpere' whatever that is and has some very useful tricks up his sleeves. Magni has a blood brother named Blank and doesn't really know where his abilities with magic come from. Still don't know a lot about Mace except his family is inter-racial. Still, he really is a kind sort of person. Somewhat unexpected for a half-orc barbarian, but it is quite refreshing.
The terrain had started to change. There were rocks and cliffs beginning to alter the landscape. We came to a valley between two cliff. Some short travel along this valley and we found a 10 ft wall, with a guarded open gate. We had made our way to Skyhold.
The town was laid out very particularly. Residence on the left and right sections and the merchant quarter down the center. Seeing that many of us wanted to do some shopping we all wandered down the merchant street. We found a very entertaining general store, where Claudie acquired a brass bowl to use as a brazier (for some kind of spell). It seemed that the town had not received their spring shipment of goods as of yet. Their caravan fellow Darian was late, and the impression that we got was that this was unlike him. We all poked around in the shop for a while and not finding anything of distinct interest, we asked if there was a job board anywhere in town. Turns out there was one, at the Tavern inn we were staying at 'The Blue Owl.' I asked after a jeweler, and as it happened there was one next door. We thanked the proprietor and popped next door. I had a piece of turquoise from home that I thought might fetch some extra gold, and the gnomish shopkeeper Gil gave me a fair price. Claudie then discovered she could have bought a proper brazier from Gil, but still commissioned her bowl to be changed into one as well. With that bit of experience and fun out of the way, we headed off to The Blue Owl to see what was on the job board.
When we got to the tavern, it was rather quiet, and the barkeep was head down buried in a book. I'm really starting to think the entire world is full of bookworms and some how I never knew about it. Makes me think that at some point I might just have to write one or two. The number of people I have seen with this craze for books...I could make a fortune! But anyway, there were two notes posted on the board. One was a cry for help clearing out some 'vermin', I vaguely remember that the lady at The Bucket mentioned something about mephits, so that tracked. The other was a courier job down to Port Fairview. Thinking we could easily handle both, we asked the barkeep where to go and we headed out to see Elphrum Tealbottom to help with his vermin problem.
A short walk out of town brought us to a sweet little lane way cottage, tucked away in a more secluded area of town. A bright red door suggested that we were in the right place, as that was what the barkeep had told us to look for. A knock at the door brought a very aged halfling fellow, who was very grateful to have some help and he pointed us to his shed, which was oddly still covered in frost and ice. It was a chilly early spring day...but there was no reason for there to be that much ice on a poor fellows shed. After a brief discussion of tactics, Magni, Mace and myself charged into the shed. A spectacular entrance for Mace as he slipped on ice that was covering the floor and slid all the way inside. Shortly after that, little ice mephits popped themselves out of the wall. Claudie and Ooru stayed outside and shot bits of magic at them from that relative safety. They are both rather squishy and probably would not have done all that well in the close quarters as each time a mephit died, it exploded and sent ice shards flying everywhere. For such a small thing, they packed a surprising punch! We took care of them in fairly short order, but Magni came out with a fair number of scratches. Although they seemed to disappear quickly after he rubbed his face a few times. Which was strange to watch, his hands kind of glowed and then the scratches on his face were gone...he didn't seem to notices anything though.
Elphrum gave us 8 sliver for the job, and we wandered back to the main part of town. As we chatted walking back to town, I learned that a large number of us are missing at least one parent. Magni doesn't know his mother, Ooru is looking for his father, and was kicked out of his home at age nine by his mother. Claudie has a LOT of family, but doesn't seem to be all that close with much of them. Mace is from a mixed race family, and likes the idea of family is the people you care about, and what you make it. I could not agree more. We went off to the blacksmith, who we could hear working form the jeweler's shop. This time Claudie was looking for some coal, possibly for the same spell? I'm still not really sure. She has so many that all need different bits and pieces it's really hard to keep track of. She also mentioned somewhat offhandedly about 'getting to the academy' what ever that meant. Once she had her charcoal, we were off to Bevemir’s Bountiful Boutique to check out this courier job.
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Mark Molnar |
After that, we wandered our way back to The Blue Owl, and settled in for the evening. Claudie and I were sharing a room, and I decided to take the cloak out for some airing. It had been packed away for a good while and could do with some care. Claudie asked about it and I told her that I'm still not sure who it is meant to be for. She told me it was beautiful. It really is. My finest work. I'll never understand why my finest work had to come out of a commission to that bastard, but he doesn't have it so it doesn't matter.
Anyway, until the next time-
Goodnight Asotta.
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