Travel to Millhill

 A Daring Rescue

The morning broke clear. I woke with a new excitement. We were about to embark on our first long job as a group. I started my day carefully folding the cloak back into it's package and...sigh...repacking my backpack. Really it's a small thing if I can keep my masterpiece well tended, and it brings me comfort. I often wonder what it was like for other adventurers, packing and repacking bags and getting so good at it that they could fit everything they needed into a small backpack and have it ready to go in no time. Really is something special. Anyway, we managed to get going, and after some discussion around weather to try and buy a cart or horses, discovering how freakishly expensive they were and giving up the whole idea, we made our way out of Skyhold and off on the road again.

We were headed towards Millhill the fort town to the south west. It was a bit of a wet day, but overall a comfortable day. We found an appropriate stand of trees to roost under and passed the night with little incident. I will say I heard some heavy footsteps up on the road during my watch, and in retrospect that should have been an indicator for what came next, but alas, I am not the smart. I know this about myself. Talking and telling stories is my forte, not putting pieces together.

We woke well the next morning and continued on our way. We had not been on the road all that long, when we came across a rather haphazard pile of rocks crossing the road. These rocks were not really blocking our path really, but were annoying and could have caused a real problem for others coming along the road, so we decided to be kind and move the out of the way. Claudie took care of them, of all people. She cast a Thunder Wave at them and blew them all clean off the road! Magni and Ooru heard something that sounded like a startled grunt and went to have a look...and came face to face with an ogre! Well, we had a time with that fellow! Turned out there were two of them, but we managed to leave them both unconscious. Magni's hands went all electric and sparky and that was definitely something. Magni went poking around the woods a bit as the rest of us tied up the ogres good and tight. He found a few bags with some camping gear, a nice map, and set of dice as well as some bones pebbles, a small axe and two blue gem stones. He called over to me when he found two unconscious people around what seemed to be a rough camp. They looked like they were from a garrison of some kind and when Magni showed me the bag with the stamp, and Claudie confirmed, we were pretty sure of where they were from. I managed to heal they up and we calmed them once we told them the ogres were more or less dealt with for the time being. 

The two were Breena and Ephren and they were indeed part of the Millhill garrison. They had been taken by surprise by the ogres and had wound up captured. We agreed to escort them home, or they us...I'm really not sure. Either way we were headed to the same place and we figured larger numbers couldn't hurt if there were ogre's around! 

A few more solid hours of travel found us at the garrison of Millhill. There we met Commander Ormerun the dwarven leader of the garrison, who was surprisingly pleasant and accommodating. After we said goodbye to Breena and Ephren and let him know about the ogres, he directed us to Collin a shockingly red headed human fellow, who showed us around the garrison a  bit and took us to see the mages for Claudie. There we met Kenzi, more or less the secretary of the garrison mages, Rhyse and Jinx, a mage and his familiar who at the time was a ferret. After Claudie found what she needed, Rhyse took us to the mess hall for some dinner, and then...some rousing rounds of dice! I have to say that I was a bit rusty and didn't win a single round, but Mace came away happy and that was nice to see. Rhyse also treated us with some general insight into what to expect in The Wastes. 

This included: 
- Keep the sea visible on the right
- Don't trust the Stars
- Creatures like Shrieks - mostly to the North
- Fuck-Off burrowing giant spiders

However he also mentioned that the ruined city of Laurelin was an interesting place and the main problem was not getting lost. Hopefully when were get into The Wastes we are all able to keep our heads. So far I am confident. 

A bit of a dull entry tonight I am afraid. Although, truly, those ogres were something to experience! I think this traveling band I have found is working well together. Ooru is an excellent road cook, and he might be one of the most unique people I have ever met. I'm curious about Magni as well. He keeps coming out with all of these neat abilities that don't seem to fit with him or he doesn't know where they come from. Mace truly is the most loveable half-orc I have ever met, and I look forward to getting to know him better. Claudie really is something else, but...even though we come from very different areas and walks of life, I can see us becoming good friends. I think that might be something she needs. Real friends. It sounds like she has had nothing but a lot of family around her for a long time, and we know what that can be like don't we?

Well, that's all from me for today.

Sleep well Asotta - Goodnight.


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